A Technical Writer’s Introduction To Docs As Code

The landscape of technical writing is ever-evolving. Enter “Docs as Code,” a paradigm shift changing the game. For those unfamiliar with this approach, it involves applying software development practices to documentation. Why? Because it offers dynamism, efficiency, and collaborative possibilities!

Why Docs as Code?

Historically, technical writers were somewhat isolated from developers. However, Docs as Code reduces that distance by immersing writers into the software development life cycle. It fosters:

  • Collaboration: Writers and developers can work on the same platforms;
  • Efficiency: Streamlined processes minimize redundancy;
  • Versatility: Documentation is as adaptable as code itself.

Example: Consider version control systems like Git. Rather than passing around Word documents, writers and developers can collaboratively edit, track changes, and manage versions of documentation in a Git repository. The result? Fewer mishaps and quicker updates!

The Cornerstones of Docs as Code

Docs as Code is not just about adopting tools; it’s a mindset.

  • Version Control: Using platforms like GitHub or Bitbucket to track changes;
  • Plain Text Formats: Embracing Markdown or reStructuredText over proprietary formats;
  • Automated Builds: Tools like Jekyll or Hugo auto-generate docs from source files;
  • Reviews: Implement peer reviews, just as developers do with pull requests.

Setting Up Your Docs as Code Environment

It might sound intimidating, but setting up is easier than you’d think. Let’s guide you through:

Step 1: Choose Your Version Control

GitHub is the go-to for many. Its friendly UI and widespread use make it a favorite.

Step 2: Master Your Markup

Markdown is the darling of the Docs as Code world. Why? Because it’s simple! Just wrap your text in * or _ for italics, ** or __ for bold, and you’re set.

Step 3: Build Automation

Hugo or Jekyll can transform your plain text into a stylish, navigable web page. It’s like magic, but for documentation!

Overcoming Common Challenges

Like any shift, Docs as Code comes with its hurdles:

  • Learning Curve: Especially if you’re new to version control or markup languages;
  • Collaboration Hiccups: Sometimes, developers and writers speak different languages;
  • Tool Limitations: No tool is perfect. Sometimes you’ll wish for a feature that just isn’t there.

Tip: Be patient and flexible. Tap into online communities and forums for help.

Reaping the Rewards of Docs as Code

It’s not just about overcoming challenges. There’s a lot to love:

  • Agility: Quick updates? No problem!;
  • Empowerment: Writers have more control over the final product;
  • Collaboration: The feeling when a developer compliments your use of Git? Priceless!

The Future of Docs as Code

Docs as Code isn’t just a fad; it’s the future. As agile methodologies and DevOps practices become more common, this approach to documentation will be the standard. Prepare to see:

  • AI Assistance: AI-driven writing aids and review tools;
  • Integrated Platforms: Even smoother connections between writing and development tools;
  • Advanced Automations: Think auto-translations, voice commands, and more!

The Cultural Shift with Docs as Code

The rise of Docs as Code isn’t just a methodological change; it’s a cultural one. Embracing this approach demands a shift in the way technical writers, developers, and stakeholders view documentation. Instead of being an afterthought or a parallel process, documentation becomes intertwined with the software development process. It leads to a more cohesive working environment, where every team member, whether they’re coding features or penning down guides, becomes an essential cog in the machinery. This holistic shift results in not just improved documentation but also a more harmonious, collaborative workspace.

Security Implications in Docs as Code

Just as with software code, documentation, when integrated within the development lifecycle, can face security threats. These might be in the form of intellectual property theft, unauthorized edits, or even cyber-attacks if the documentation platform is web-based. Technical writers adopting Docs as Code need to acquaint themselves with basic security practices. These might include using strong, unique passwords, setting up two-factor authentication, or regularly updating and patching software. Furthermore, regular backups of documentation are crucial, ensuring that in the face of any mishap, data integrity remains uncompromised.

A man sits at a laptop next to an element with a digital document

Training and Professional Development in the Docs as Code Era

The evolution of technical writing to include Docs as Code methodology means that continuous learning becomes paramount. Traditional technical writers might need to attend workshops, webinars, or classes to grasp new tools and practices. On the flip side, this opens up a plethora of opportunities. Writers become more versatile, expanding their skill set to include version control, markup languages, and more. This not only makes them more valuable to employers but also can lead to diverse roles and responsibilities. The line between a developer and a writer becomes blurrier, leading to roles where a professional might wear both hats with equal flair.

The Role of Feedback in Docs as Code

Feedback loops become significantly shortened with Docs as Code. Given that documentation and code often reside in the same repositories, it’s easier for developers, QA testers, and even users to provide immediate feedback on the docs. This real-time feedback is gold for technical writers. It allows them to make instant improvements, ensuring that the documentation remains relevant, accurate, and user-friendly. Additionally, platforms like GitHub offer features where users can raise issues or even contribute to the documentation directly, further enhancing the quality and comprehensiveness of the docs.

The Do’s and Don’ts of Docs as Code

To ensure you’re on the right track, it’s crucial to understand the best practices and potential pitfalls:


  • Collaborate: Make use of collaborative features in version control platforms;
  • Stay Updated: Regularly update your toolset and practices;
  • Seek Feedback: Actively solicit feedback from developers, QA testers, and users;
  • Automate: Utilize CI tools for auto-building and deploying documentation.


  • Avoid Silos: Don’t isolate documentation from the development process;
  • Skip Testing: Just as code is tested, documentation should be reviewed for accuracy and clarity;
  • Ignore Security: Always ensure your documentation repositories are secure;
  • Stay Static: In a dynamic environment, ensure you’re always open to change and adaptation.
Man clicking on virtual folder

Comparison of Markup Languages

When choosing a markup language, consider the following aspects:

Integration with CI✔️✔️✔️
Inline Extensions✔️✔️
Community Support✔️✔️

✔️ = Excellent
⭕ = Good


In the dynamic realm of technical writing, Docs as Code offers a refreshing perspective, bridging the gap between writers and developers. While it requires adaptation, the rewards—enhanced collaboration, agility, and empowerment—far outweigh the challenges.


What is the main purpose of Docs as Code?

To apply software development practices to documentation for better collaboration and efficiency.

Is learning platforms like GitHub necessary for this approach?

Yes, familiarity with version control systems is essential.

Are traditional documentation tools obsolete now?

Not obsolete, but tools like Markdown offer more flexibility and integration in a Docs as Code approach.

How do automated builds benefit documentation?

They ensure consistency, streamline updates, and allow for instantaneous publishing of changes.

Is Docs as Code suitable for all documentation types?

While it offers many benefits, one must consider the needs of the project and audience before diving in.